

Jean Reno, plays the amiable hitman Leon, in Luc Besson’s marvelous action thriller, The Professional.

“My idea of professionalism is probably a lot of people’s idea of obsessive.” — David Fincher, director of Seven.

What does it mean to be a professional? What separates him/her from the amateur? Is it merely skill? The fortune of being chosen or paid? Or something else entirely?

Disney's NineOldMen

Disney’s famous Nine Old Men are widely regarded as the ultimate pioneers of the animation industry. Besides their immense talent and creative contribution, what marked their prominence was that they always delivered, making them the trusted cornerstones upon which Walt Disney could reliably build his empire.

There are many good artists out there but what distinguishes true professionals is that ‘pros’ aren’t just paid for what they do, they also provide an assurance as to a degree of quality and an expectation of delivery. In other words, the professional is accountable. This is why reputations matter and why word of mouth is still the most powerful determinant of whether someone is worth taking a chance on or even worth hiring.


Charcoal animation drawing by Glen Keane from Walt Disney’s 1995 release, Pocahontas. When people worked with Glen Keane, they always knew what they would be getting — consistent excellence in performance and the exciting possibility of him creating something absolutely outstanding.

There are basic considerations that run through the evaluation process about whether an artist is the consummate professional or not. Here are some of the common considerations:

Professionals, in general, are individuals who :
a) Meet their deadlines.
b) Are always accountable,
c) Readily available and always communicable.
d) Leave a trail of astuteness and clarity, so that others can follow their footsteps in case of any unexpected challenges or emergency.
e) Consistently deliver on time.
f) Meet a “higher than usual” standard of quality

g) Are respectful of the process and the people they work with regardless of relative title, position or authority.

In animation, “I got this” are the best words a supervisor or director can hear from his staff. (For those of you who are married, this is also highly effective with spouses!) When I ran a crew, there were individuals that I knew I could rely on. They removed concern, provided predictability and alleviated stress for me as a director. I knew I could trust them and count on them even if things were to go wrong.


Carl Hagan (Robert Duvall) takes orders from Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) in Francis Ford Coppola’s masterpiece, The Godfather. Carl Hagan defined the always trusted and dependable council – a man who took care of whatever and whenever it was asked of him.

Being a professional is as much about consistent mental fortitude as it is about talent. Top professionals are skilled individuals who’ve not only built up their expertise in their craft, but carry a mindset designed for delivery. They set goals, persist, adjust as necessary and finish things. They don’t fail others nor do they fail themselves. (Note: we aren’t talking here about awards, financial gain or public approval but rather more integral matters such as dignity, excellence and due diligence.)


In Frank Darabont’s marvelous film, The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne, played by Tim Robbins, showed that moment by moment, stone by stone, you can chip away at any wall or obstacle in front of you. The film is an important allegory for the power of determination, diligence and perseverance overcoming any challenge. 

There is one major caveat however, and that is, when you make it as a professional, you risk losing the inner spirit of being an artist — that eagerness and drive you had as a beginner. As professionals, we must guard against this – you must continually find ways to “stay young” in spirit.


Painting by Nicolai Fechin, a masterful Russian artist whose entire life was completely devoted to his craft.

In the words of Nicolai Fechin:

“A professional, having achieved some technical feat or twist for which he has gained reputation, often fears to leave it behind in order to move ahead … Instead of making further efforts towards self-development, he allows his success to become a dead-end; he stops and begins to go backwards.”

So remember, if you love something so much that you want to do it for a living, then aim to become a professional by working to acquire any and all the skills and knowledge necessary to get there. If you’re already a professional, find ways to maintain that spirit of learning and devotion to excellence that got you there in the first place. Young or old, your spirit as an artist must remain the same, that is, one that is ever devoted to consistency, improvement, and the evolution of your craft.  Often what separates the good from the great is a matter of inches, or in our industry, frames and pixels.

In conclusion, I leave you with this inspirational speech by Al Pacino from Oliver Stone’s, Any Given Sunday:

Al Pacino delivers one of the greatest speeches in sports movie history in Oliver Stone’s Any Given Sunday.

Stealing or Borrowing?


A young Picasso sitting among what was a tiny portion of his huge collection of African Art. It’s quite clear now, that a lot of his “inventiveness” surrounding cubism and abstraction, came about from the influence of ancient tribal art, of which Picasso was a huge collector and appropriator. (photo credit: Réunion des Musées Nationaux)

In Robert McKean’s wonderful little book, Steal like an artist, he explores the issue of taking ideas and techniques from others. Is it disrespectful? Theft? Or just a plain lack of originality? It’s been a debate for artists throughout history this issue of authenticity and ownership. The reality is, everyone’s ideas come from somewhere else. It’s the nature of the word inspiration.

Here is the Webster dictionary definition of what inspiration is:

: something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone

: a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something

: a good idea

Now, given that definition, how can anyone claim ‘complete’ ownership of an idea? It brings up the issue of companies today patenting every single thing out there, both in science and the arts. What is the fair and proper arrangement between investors of creative art, the creators themselves, and the consuming public? It makes one ask, what is art? What is science? And more (or less) importantly, who does it belong to?


This famous portrait, of Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Gustav Klimt, was previously stolen and most recently returned. It’s ‘valued’ at $135,000,000.

The sporadic and unplanned nature of creative and inspirational work is such that it needs to come from something from which to be born, bounce off of or leap forward from. Therefore, claiming “ownership” is a strange concept, much like us humans claiming ownership over nature and the world around us – it’s not ours to claim. We are, at best, stewards of what’s been given to us. Ideas are no different.

“… things of greatest merit are public property. ” – Seneca

It’s a fine line that separates science and art. A good example lies in the works and studies of Leonardo Da Vinci. One thing is clear however, and that is, his works should be available for everyone to see and experience.

What about originality? Here’s what Robert Henri has to say:

“Don’t worry about your originality. You couldn’t get rid of it even if you wanted to. It will stick with you and show up for better or worse in spite of all you or anyone else can do.”

I used to worry about originality far too much, and by doing so, it made me even less original. As artists, it’s all too easy to try so hard for uniqueness that you end up closing your eyes to what’s already there – thereby reducing your visual vocabulary and shutting off things that could inspire you and influence you in a positive, even impactful way. A limited exposure creates less originality not more. The truth is, your path will naturally take you to where you need to go, as long as you don’t fight it too hard. Be at ease to let your influences show because  it doesn’t mean that you’re a flake or a hack. Find what you love, and let it be a part of you – it’s kind of like knowing that you have little choice but to be influenced also by your family and friends – so why not let your heroes influence you? Work hard, but allow “yourself” to become what it will. This is harder advice to take than you’d think.


Keith Haring’s remarkably simple, yet magical art, doesn’t try to be anything special – it just is. Great art doesn’t have to be complex or intellectual – it has to be personal.

I’ve always liked the idea that artists and scientists are merely agents for change and discovery. Proprietorship is not the goal. Our role is to develop attentiveness to innovation and creativity, raising our abilities to make something from our discoveries, and then share it with the world. It is only in that way, by doing our jobs as deliverers of some good, do we have any hope of parlaying some insight, beauty and further inspiration for others to follow in the future.


Toulouse lautrec’s artistry has left a huge imprint on graphic designers, painters and artists world over including the author of this blog.

How do we know when inspiration arrives? Like life,  creative discoveries and growth seldom arrive on schedule – so you’ve got to be ready and open with a notepad nearby. My best ideas can come during the grind of work or sometimes while just lying in bed reading, looking at pictures,  or listening to music – a state opposite of a frenzied search for answers. Be open to that. Be open to anything.

“Finished persons are very common – people who are closed  up, quite satisfied that there is little more to learn.” – Robert Henri

Be open, also, to copying. I spent years studying and copying the drawings and timing of animators like Milt Kahl, Frank Thomas, Glen Keane and James Baxter. There is nothing wrong with direct copying, if you’re doing it to learn. But if you’re deriving from the works of others, acknowledge the source, and show your appreciation. That is, remember to give thanks.

Captain Hook by Frank Thomas, from Walt Disney’s 1953 classic, Peter Pan. I loved the design and animation of Captain Hook so much that I made piles of sketches copying his work, analyzing deeply the lines, shapes, timing, and acting choices.

By studying the works of others, you get to be more original not less. And it’s sometimes nice to let your influences show. It’s inevitable, that you become a bit like your heroes. Don’t be afraid of that. There’s no such thing as pure originality. There’s only things that work.

“Don’t try to be original, just try to be good.” – Paul Rand

A short but inspiring video, by Imaginary Forces, on the work and words of Paul Rand, legendary graphic designer and logo creator extraordinaire.