
 Cuba Gooding Jr. explains to Tom Cruise, the definition of the “Quan” in Jerry McGuire, Cameron Crowe’s excellent film about integrity, sacrifice and dignity in the sports world.

Success is a funny word. Does it merely mean financial or social accomplishment? Stable mental and physical health? Peace? Happiness? Or all of the above, the “Quan”? Any way you look at it, success is often far too narrowly defined.

In the dominant corporate-industrial world we live in,  it’s all too common to witness the clear and obvious mindset predominant in this day and age — the absolute obsession with immediate gain and success. People want a lot and they want it now. It’s even applied to personal growth and education. But learning and getting any good at anything takes time — a lot of time. What’s even more important is that without a proper allotment of time for things to develop and mature, one’s growth is limited to that which is temporary and insubstantial.

Or as Illustrator Fritz Henning, states so succinctly:

“Quick success is not the rule in worthwhile endeavors.”

In fact, I say be wary of any success and especially that which comes quickly. Take the case of Rembrandt Van Rijn, whose name is synonymous with the word genius. His “recognized” talent and success came early, with commissions and projects assigned to him by wealthy merchants throughout Amsterdam.


This 1633 painting of a wealthy patron, by a young twenty-seven year old Rembrandt, demonstrates great visual skill and delicate execution. However, as is typical of the period, the work is there to primarily showcase wealth and privilege, with immense detail and focus placed on the velvety sheen of the garment, the decorative lacing, and expensive jewelry which it was meant to glorify.


This famous self-portrait on the other hand, done late in Rembrandt’s life, shows a depth of vitality, dignity and magnanimous beauty that can’t be even compared to the “older” painting above it. It is a creation that is free from constraints, deeply personal and immeasurably rich in visual maturity and depth.

Like all true artists before and after him, Rembrandt’s work continued to evolve and improve as he matured, but was no longer accepted. He died, in abject poverty, despite reaching old age, even as he created masterpieces that were superior to anything he ever did as a young man. Creative and spiritual growth isn’t always rewarded in the outside world (at least not during the time of creation). The public, whose taste is often crass and most definitely transient, cannot be the stick by which to measure the value of an artist’s creations, and by extension, the artist’s worth in society. The reward for creative work is in doing the work.

“We have a right to our labor, but not to the fruits of our labor.” — Krishna

Take the wonderful actor, John Mahoney, an artist who excels in a field obsessed with youth and external beauty. Known for his brilliant work as Martin Krane, in the hit TV series Frasier, Mahoney didn’t even begin his acting career till he was in his late thirties, hit his stride in his 40’s and got better each day. Other popular actors that got late starts include Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman and Jeremy Renner.


The many faces of actor John Mahoney. Above, images from Frasier (top) where he plays Martin Krane, the general from The Iron Giant (middle), and (below) on the stage from the play, Prelude to a Kiss (photo by Joan Marcus, NYMAG).

Of course, there are plenty of artists that struggled with life (especially the financial side of things), but that doesn’t mean we should forgo or try to escape that struggle, for success rarely comes immediately, if it comes at all. Such mindset has ruined many talented people in history and it threatens to ruin even more now in our age of high speed “everything.”

Vincent Van Gogh is often used as the poster child of the starving artist, given his overly-publicized mental illness and early death. Despite his well-documented loneliness and depression, people forget that he was lackadaisical with his practice of soaking/cleaning his brushes, which he often put in his pots – pots he cooked and ate from (paints in those days were especially toxic). A most recent hypothesis has even indicated that his psychosis may have been induced by gas poisoning in the house he rented. In any case, the brilliance of his craft had little to do with his own personal problems, namely, his difficulty in dealing with a lack of love and, secondarily, support from his community. Such were the challenges he endured before he even became an artist (at the age of twenty-seven).


This well-known and beautiful painting of a “Starry Night on the Rhone River” wouldn’t exist, if Van Gogh had given up on his art, art that he couldn’t sell, not even a single one during his lifetime. But even in his short ten years as a struggling artist, Van Gogh produced a mind-numbing collection of paintings, each with an observation and devotion that was truly, and uniquely, his own.

Another danger to early success (and for demanding it) is that it creates a general lack of self-awareness (sometimes due to over-confidence) and an oversimplification of the learning process. In other words, you miss out on some truly important stuff, and I’m not just talking about learning from failure, which is huge. Whether it’s arts, science, athletics, or business, early and seemingly “easy” success, comes with a price unnoticed — that is, you might’ve just gotten lucky. Yes, you heard right. In the end, for things to play out perfectly, you need to be lucky regardless of your effort and ability. For there is much great work and talent out there that isn’t recognized. The real truth is that it takes a lot of hard work, learned knowledge, and mental-emotional maturity and time, to do really great things and there’s only a remote chance of making a difference. Getting recognized doesn’t always mean, you, or your work, is that awesome. Good stuff takes time to do, and often, a long time to appreciate. Quick success, in other words, can lead to “blindness.”



Painting by William Bouguereau (top) versus a painting by Edouard Manet (bottom). Bouguereau was revered in his time, but as time passed, the gap in significance and quality between these two artists, continues to magnify.

“Judging a Manet from the point of view of Bouguereau the Manet has not been finished. Judging a Bouguereau from the point of view of a Manet, the Bouguereau has not even begun.” — Robert Henri

When you get lucky, you miss out on the true sight of things. You develop shortcuts or worse, formulas. And once you turn those ‘tricks’ into habits, you risk becoming a hack – someone who can only do things within limited boundaries and under ideal circumstances. You can call it “style” if you wish, but anyone who lacks real fundamental truths, and spends little time expanding his craft (either in depth or breadth), in the end stops producing real art – that is, art that challenges. The formulaic can easily become a crutch for life. It’s why the real enduring talents in this field, or any field, have one common trait — consistency of devotion to constant learning, practice and taking risks, which in turn means failing, and failing often.


The Thomas Edison light bulb, patented in 1880, famously took the inventor over 10,000 attempts before getting it right.

Reaching creative maturity requires patience — there is no way to cheat it. Sometimes, it takes devout and personal education itself to be able to recognize the “good stuff.” That’s why, when I worked, I was most ecstatic when colleagues of mine, who’s artistry I admired the most, were moved/impressed by my efforts. If I was able to excite them, I know, for at least that brief moment in time, I have become an “artist’s artist.” Impressing anyone else was merely a bonus.


Bill Tytla’s Stromboli, the villainous puppeteer from Disney’s Pinocchio, is one of the most admired pieces of animation in history. Tytla may have been outcast from Disney due to the labor strikes of the 1950’s, but he always had the utmost admiration of his peers, both then and even now.

So, in summary, don’t beget failure too much. I know I have, and all too often.  Don’t let those doubts about the speed of your success or lack there of hover for too long. Be patient. This is normal. Stumbling, tripping over oneself, and failing spectacularly is part and parcel with being a creative, part of being human. But the emotional psyche of an artist is extremely fragile, so find ways to stay inspired, and if need be, schooling, mentorship or guidance to aid in your development of both your skills and your growth as a person. Don’t let a lack of trust and confidence in the process deter you from doing what you love, getting better and being truly happy.

Going Analog

Steve Job and Steve Wozniak’s breakthrough invention, the Apple I personal computer in a briefcase.  Where would we be without the invention of the personal computer? (Image courtesy of the Sydney Powerhouse Museum.)
“You can only generate ideas when you put pencil to paper, brush to canvas… when you actually do something physical.” – Twyla Tharp
We live in a time where technology is dominating our world — its methodologies, design and implications have taken hold of almost everything existing or even imaginable. This path of action is also not likely to come to an end anytime soon, as we become, as a society, more digitized, more mechanized, and more comprehensively integrated in how we live. Barring a “Madmax” type of scenario, stopping the advance of technology is neither possible or even ideal. Truth is, despite it’s problems, technology has brought us incalculable good as we can no longer imagine living in a world without electricity, travel, medical breakthroughs, and worldwide communication. Technology’s advance is both a threat and a hope.


 Peter Sellers plays Dr. Strangelove, in Stanley Kubrick’s noir classic, “Dr. Strangelove or How I learn to Stop Worrying and love the Bomb”. Kubrick combines dark humor and brilliant cinematography, to force us to ponder our latest fascination with technology and the age old obsession for power.

Working and living in a digital universe, it’s all too easy to forget and/or ignore analog solutions to current problems. We always want the faster,  easier route — searching desperately for effectiveness and efficiency packaged in a nice bundle ready for us consume or even worse, exploit. Such is the more insidious side of technology.

Freezing is a practical time and life saving invention. But what is the price of packaged frozen food? What about quality, taste, health, social and environmental considerations? Recent studies have revealed that taste has been and continues to be a huge indicator about the quality of nutrients entering our bodies.
Ironically, some of the best solutions and innovations come not from technology but from human ingenuity and resourcefulness. Some of the most ingenious technological designs come from imitating and studying nature. Life itself is often the greatest source of inspiration for technology.
In Tom Samonite’s Technology Review article, Chasing Nature, he discusses the marvelous efforts being made at top universities around the world, to invent tiny insect/bird inspired robots that could be used in applications such as rescue missions. To see the full article, go here.
Animation artists who still make preliminary drawings, paintings and sculptures with raw tangible materials before executing their final creations on the computer are often more thoughtful, creative and productive. And of course, there’s nothing quite like actual physical interaction with tangible materials.
A marvelous sculpture of a Ronald Searle drawing, by a very talented former colleague of mine, Andrea Blasich. Andrea has created numerous inspiring character sculpts for many top flight animation studios. To see more of the artist’s work, visit here.
Throughout human history scientists and artists embraced nature as a source of inspiration for innovation. Today, nature serves not only as a continual source of knowledge, but also as a reprieve from our “plugged-in” lifestyle. We must guard against losing that connection with a world that has been largely natural and unchanged for millions of years.
Steven Spielberg played with the idea of “what if” in the pioneering VFX film, Jurassic Park. Dinosaurs ruled the earth for millions of years before we even came around – the largest growth in science and technology has occurred primarily in the last 150 years.
Theory and abstraction (i.e. modern art) has it’s place, but things we’re connected to, both real and imagined, spring forth from our lives and the world we live in. Our history and our environment matter. Without nature, there is no springboard. Abstraction needs something to abstract from. Nature, in all its wonder, makes you ask, what if?
One of Georgia O’Keefe’s lovely paintings, from her ‘Sky Above Clouds’ series. Indicating a transition to abstraction for the pioneering artist, these paintings were inspired by her many flights around the world experienced late in her life. These magical pieces, some of which reached 24 ft in size, were made when she was nearly 80 years old.
As an artist, you always have to ask yourself, are you actually seeing or just looking? Are you really listening or hearing? Is this tactile sensation or mere physical contact? When was the last time you felt the texture of velvet or marveled at a raindrop on a blade of morning dew grass? Children do this all day until they’ve learned not to. Among my own greatest memories of growing up was trekking out in the misty fields to see my father, who had been already working diligently since the break of dawn. The morning air was never fresher, and the excitement of seeing my dad, before heading off to school, was a rare chance to spend real time with him. It’s all too easy to forget, that we ourselves, are a part of nature. Moments and memories of such moments are stark reminders of the necessity to live with presence.
“Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don’t they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers. ” — Ray Bradbury.
Miyazaki’s gorgeous hand-drawn masterpiece, Naussica of the Valley of the Wind touches upon many themes. Those who have visited the Ghibli museum in Tokyo will know that Miyazaki is a huge collector of European artifacts and folklore. By grabbing those very tangible things and history, and intermixing them with his own Japanese culture and history, he was able to explore rich humanistic themes in exciting, fantastical worlds that are both relatable and magical.
The real world also helps us ground our work, especially in the realms of fantasy and science fiction. If the world we choose to create is loaded with aliens and/or spaceships, we’ve got to ground it with real human problems, both physical, psychological, and historical. The question of “How do we adapt?” is often the underlying subtext to many brilliant science fiction stories.
Christopher Nolan’s illuminating 2014 science fiction film, Interstellar, ponders some big questions about space and time, but it’s still grounded in the human need for connection — love, loneliness, friendship and family — and not merely survival.
So, as much as we’ve talked (on this blog) about hard work and persistence in pursuing excellence and expressing your dreams, we must find time to be with nature — a physical and direct interaction with the world around us — for it serves as the foundation from which our art launches. We are, for now at least, still wholly natural beings — our experiences are tangible, not theoretical or imagined. Going analog will not only help us find answers to and around technology’s struggles, but ultimately ground us as to why we’re looking for those particular solutions in the first place.
“When you start to lose steam, head back to the analog station and play.” — Austin Kleon, author of Steal like an Artist