The fear of A.I.

A recent discussion on AI featuring digital artists

” Every artist’s art is their coping mechanism — we make what we make to save ourselves, to stay sane, to find the slender cord of grace between us and the world. ” — Maria Popova

There’s a lot of talk about Artifical Intelligence (A.I.) and art these days. There’s a lot of fear.

When technology arrived, the way of doing things changed. Art, too, changed. But unlike most ways of producing things, the creation of art, like food, continued to retain its methodologies. Drawing, painting, sculpture, acting, and music continued to hold on to most of its tools and techniques. We might use digital tools as an aid or accessory but we’re still fundamentally drawing, strumming the guitar or flipping steaks. The analog way never quite lost its usefulness or appeal. Artists and consumers alike preferred hand made stuff be it paintings or pancakes.

Would you like real or canned soup? Campbell’s Soup Cans courtesy of Andy Warhol.

In animation, however, technology in the form of CGI was one of the first to really alter the ways of the original craft. 3D animation not only offered a decidedly appealing alternative but became almost an existential threat to the entire analog animation industry. Beginning with its initial lower costs (3D movies/games are now far more expensive), the freedom of the digital camera, and the eventual ability to make the photo-real a reality in animation, both the industry and the consumer chose the novel thing. Hand drawn animation, as well as stop motion animation, still remains, but on a much smaller scale. Today, the comparisons in terms of numbers is not even close, with the number of artists using 2D methods almost negligible relative to those who use 3D. The greatest fears of the analog animator was realized.

The success of Sergio Pablo’s 2D film Klaus proves there’s still a deep love and interest in hand animated films. Unfortunately, the larger film/animation industry is still reluctant to embrace its comeback.

Now, with A.I. arriving on the scene, the same fear, perhaps even on a greater scale is confronting the modern artist. This is fourth industrial revolution stuff — technology that may threaten mankind never mind art. Science fiction has forever warned of the danger of A.I. and a future of robots displacing your average human. But unforeseen, and with unexpected fervor, the creators of this new technology went after artists first — hunting down not laborious, dangerous or even boring jobs but creative artistic ones. Applying the modern financialized model of thinking, getting “results” uncanningly fast and cheap has become paramount to the corporate owners and managers of the industry. A.I. may be sold by its specious purveyors as the benevolent democratization of art and a new source of creativity but in truth the motivation for its implementation is obvious: money. Return on investment (ROI) and efficiency currently rule the day.

Is this rotten to the core evil, abject stupidity or just plain bad luck dumped upon your everyday resistence fighting artist? Here’s the thing, this A.I. thing was coming sooner or later. We creatives just happened to be first on the hit list but being targeted first will give us a head start on how to deal with it. When it hits the rest of society, most of whose occupants still have its head in the sand, we’ll have figured a way of adapting and surviving. Although artists might go thru an initial period of real anxiety and suffering, I just don’t think we should be really that scared at all, at least not in the long run.

“Design means thinking on the object.” — Otl Aicher

Why? Because computers, ChatGTP and its successors, are ultimately imitation machines. And imitation is not creation. It’s a fancy tool that can access a larger library and has a fancy mixer. Whatever it spits out, is merely by chance. Its primary advantage is speed. And I truly suspect it won’t be as cost efficient as companies hope, as the technology is immensely energy inefficient. Furthermore, any output that looks or sounds decent is likely infringing upon some sort of copyright. Potential lawsuits maybe what’s currently holding back a larger roll out of its usage. Ultimately though, good art isn’t made by a mixing machine. Making art is not only a physical process but a demanding mental process that challenges the hardest aspect of our consciousness: decision making. Art is all about decisions. Our human heart-minds design, then we make. And you know what else? We learn to design by making and doing the craft. AI’s bravado claim is that it can skip the work, skip the process.

Animation from Disney’s Robin Hood by Milt Kahl. Every frame is magical and life-affirming. Good luck with AI producing anything as beautiful and creative as this!

Creative decisions: what or how many lines or shapes, what color combinations to use, how and where to place an object or action, what changes will give more weight, feeling or appeal? These are the kinds of complicated decisions an artist battles with each moment many times a day in his work. These difficult questions multiply upon each other and magnify in sophistication and complexity in such a way that only a human mind — one highly sensitive and attuned to the art — is able to decipher. Even after much deliberation, often times the best choices an artist makes comes not from his education or knowledge but his heart and soul, a place where truth, love, and meaning reside, a habitat with such depth of mystery and complexity that it’s simply impossible to measure or imitate. Machines are mathematical measuring/calculating devices, its entire existence is dependent on measurement.

“A mind that is caught in measurement can never find truth.” J. Krishnamurti

Furthermore, art is a process, not a product. Hence, the common interpretation of art as a mere commodity is a mistaken notion. Living things can not be mass produced like most industrial products are. Making art is a single and unique act of creation where as the very nature of mass reproduction cannot be that — its product or outcome can never have any sense of originality or genuine existence. Its most distinguished quality will always be consistency of sameness and quantity produced quickly. Like soup out of a can, it’s devoid of the taste of life. In the words of a friend and fellow artist, “AI art is abolutely empty. I look at it and I feel nothing.” The tendency of automatic art to leave a vacuous sensation is not surprising to me since modern industrial technology has always possessed an almost uncanny ability to destroy the purity and sanctity of anything it touches. Every good artist who uses digital technology knows that if he/she doesn’t pour all his heart, intelligence and passion into the thing, tweaking curves and pixels to a point that it’s practically hand-made, the outcomes are crap — weightless, colorless boring crap.

“No, painting was not invented to decorate houses. It is an instrument of war for attack and defence against the enemy.” — Picasso.

Computer technology is also particularly good at dating itself. Dig up your old phone or put in an old movie with CGI effects and you’ll know what I mean. Try watching the early 3D animated films or look back at some of your old favourite science-fiction films. Ask yourself, why do the three original Star Wars movies (Episodes 4,5,6 ) look and feel so much better than its successors made decades later?

Nothing ages as poorly as digital technology. I loved the original Toy Story but try watching it again and it’s almost unwatchable (graphically speaking.)

So, what I’m saying is don’t be scared of A.I. It’s gonna be the best imitator/duplicator ever but that’s all it’ll ever be (if it does become more than that, we’ll have far bigger problems than losing our art.) If you’re a real artist you have nothing to worry about. If you have real skill and understanding of your craft and know what it is to create real weight and feeling in your work you can relax. And, if you’re not content with merely copying your (video/photo) reference frame by frame or duplicating the same stories, designs and concepts already made by others, you’ll remain secure in the fact that you’ll continue to have fun and find meaning in your work; you actually like to learn new things and love the challenge of creation. But if you’re just a mere imitator of art working on autopilot, that is, you’re content with just mailing it in, doing things as fast as possible and just get paid (although not for long), you have genuine reason to be scared; your fears will be realized. A.I. is already hot on your tail and you will soon be economically obsolete. No one can out-machine a machine.

“Art is not a thing — it is a way.” — Elbert Hubbard


Conscious design and style or flawed perspective and anatomy? Perhaps an early happy mistake led to the beginnings of genius for Modigliani.

Mistakes. We all make them. And more often than not, the person hardest on himself is the one making them. What’s important is putting any mistake into proper perspective and see it for what it really is: benevolent feedback.

“We learn from failure, not from success!”
― Bram Stoker

I think that when we make mistakes it’s quite natural to be upset or disappointed. And it’s okay to feel that way, at least for a while. As artists, we’re always trying new things. Thus, it’s a folly to expect to meet our challenges with immediate success yet everyday, each one of us laments and complains about failure, often times attaching to it financial implications. Contrary to our current socio-economic culture, mistakes or “failure” should not be viewed all the time in such terrible and unnecessary light. It’s all too easy to deny responsibility or assess blame for a particular outcome, but rather than defining a culprit, it’s far better to look at the situation at hand, see what actually is, study the results and ask why. We need to be proactive about it and let the mindset of learning take over. Nothing is more important than understanding, especially the understanding of ourselves.

“Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth, and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not. ”
― Carl Jung

Here is a small list of thoughts about making mistakes. (I apologize for another listicle but this is done for the sole purpose of shortening your reading time):

  • mistakes are honest feedback, they give us direction as to what and where to focus next.
  • in making mistakes, we are quickly humbled. It raises our level of attention to the matter.
  • failure after repeated effort strengthens our resolve, we build on one of the most important virtues necessary for mastery: persistence
  • a mistake can help us think outside of the box, forcing us to innovate or re-invent.
  • mistakes can make us feel very lonely but know that the gift of solitude is silence and reflection, both of which helps us see better, wider and wiser.
  • a common error is losing one’s intent or workflow; big mistakes tend to follow such misadventure.
  • never forget that other people make mistakes too.
  • mistakes always sting a bit, yet the answers often lie where the pain is.
  • making mistakes means we’re trying something we’ve never done before. That’s an act of courage.
  • mistakes can happen for many reasons but having expectations and rushing towards them are regular culprits.
  • mistakes amplify effort in the serious artist; it tests his love for his craft.
  • mistakes guide us forwards rather than backwards; it challenges old thinking.
  • only after failure do we learn how to succeed. Namely, we learn what NOT to do.
  • mistakes force us to ask questions, sometimes as obvious as why or what are we’re actually doing here?
  • a mistake is an alarm, it’s telling us something is wrong, that we’re out of alignment. That’s a fantastic discovery.
  • continued adjustment and re-adjustment is how we gain skill in our craft. Seeing mistakes is also a skill.
  • failure is a bow towards humility and good humor. It’s beneficial to the soul to be able to laugh at oneself.
  • sloppiness and carelessness is not a good mistake to make.
  • many things that lead to mistakes/failures are outside of our control, we only have agency on our attitude, attention and action.
  • it’s easy to forget that happy accidents were once mistakes.
  • armchair critics, who love to point out mistakes and condemn those who actually do work, are the truest failures — people who won’t risk failure.
  • mistakes are often a reminder to listen and follow one’s intuition
  • life outcomes aren’t always rational; it would be a mistake to think otherwise.
  • the idiot blames others for mistakes, the better man blames himself, the wisest sees no reason for blame.
  • we’re all human. If we can appreciate mistakes rather than curse them, we might begin to live happier and wiser.

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
― Mahatma Gandhi