Any fool can know. The point is to understand. ― Albert Einstein, Scientist
There is, ultimately, only one way to learn and that is by doing. We can accumulate as much knowledge or technique as we can, and have them beautifully and clearly explained to us (the job of the teacher), but if we don’t actually practice it (the job of the student) it never becomes a skill or ability. True understanding comes only from direct experience and realization.
To live as real artists — as true professionals — we must take solid consistent and persistent action. This means of course two big things: one, disciplined regular practice and two, continually pushing the boundaries of our abilities. Failure in either of these areas will ultimately cause one’s learning to stop, or worse, one’s interest in learning to stop.
It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer. ― Albert Einstein

To stay with a question, an interest in the what, why and how requires a life devoted to learning, devoted to craft and devoted to life itself. This is challenging because when it comes to sustained practice there are few caveats. We must be aware of our natural tendencies to give up. Entropy is a very real thing. Yes, succumbing to fatigue, boredom or laziness is NORMAL (i.e. average, typical, and common). That’s why I like to say that real professionals are not normal — they don’t think, do or act in normal fashion. Because such normal behaviour would yield normal “mediocore” results. Mediocre or average, of course, isn’t professional; that’s the layperson’s level of knowledge, understanding and expertise (which is almost none at all).
To sustain a level of excellence — or the passion required for excellence — we must also continually find ways to surround ourselves with the right kind of people, places and things. Passion, of course, means love/empathy for something. Some people say we shouldn’t rely on inspiration or require it. To that, I say hogwash. No human being — not even the most creative and talented — can sustain a mental capacity that is always upbeat, vibrant and innovative. All time great artists such as Van Gogh, Lucien Freud and even the legendary Picasso often looked to and even copied themes, compositions, and colours of artists that come before them. Same goes with the numerous musicians, animators and filmmakers out there. We all do this and must do this because from time to time, we all need a good boost. Nature, great art, and unique stories share and inspire the human experience. Why not use them?
So ask yourselves, what do you do, either regularly or randomly, that helps you stay inspired and glued to that beautiful but challenging path that makes you a true artist? It’s an arduous task to be aware and to keep looking and listening. Delaying, walking away or giving up is always gonna be easier. Unfortunately (or fortunately!) the price of the easy, of the comfortable, is always a life imprisoned by ignorance, boredom, and meaninglessness. For professionals or those who aspire to become professionals, we know that that kind of living is far more painful and dissatisfying than facing the challenge of actually doing what we need to do. Doing is process and process is everything.
A path is made by walking on it. ― Chuang Tzu, Philosopher