Rules For Creative Living: Rule #1 — Honor

Meiyo — the Japanese Kanji for the word “Honor.”

“Simple, genuine goodness is the best capital to found the business of this life upon. It lasts when fame and money fail, and is the only riches we can take out of this world with us.” ― Louisa May Alcott, Writer

Creative living begins, first and foremost, with HONOR.

Honor is almost an outdated concept these days. Expressions like “You know this isn’t personal “or that “it’s just business” are commonplace now. Making profits off family, exploiting employees, lying to colleagues/clients, and any/all such acts of questionable ethics and substandard behavior violates the social contract we have with each other. And what’s extra sad about it all is that we’re all so numb to its prevalence that we casually accept this sorry state of affairs. The other often used expression “it is what it is” says it all doesn’t it? But perhaps honor has always been a rather rare commodity. For it takes great moral character and courage to live honorably and such traits require great tenacity to develop.

“Our own heart, and not other men’s opinions, forms our true honor.” ― Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Poet

But honor isn’t just a concept of glory and distinction or a position of privilege. It’s much more than that. Viewed in such limited fashion, the word stands merely as a noun; a thing to achieve, to hold and display. This is NOT what we’re talking about here. Honor, to me, is a verb — an act of respect towards things, including other people (such as elders) but also oneself. It’s a proactive gesture that admires dignity and truth. It’s also a call towards fulfillment and responsibility by living up to an agreement we have with ourselves and the universe.

Performance artist Marina Abramovic is one of the boldest and most courageous creatives in the past century often flirting with dangerous and controversial experiments with live audiences. She honors her truth with her dedication, and thus honors her craft.

a) Respecting Truth & Your Truth

In the artist’s efforts to create, we search for truth. What and how we see forms the basis of what we ultimately express. And we always try to see and understand the world in the most objective and unbiased light. What we find and present might look different from others but it’s our truth. And for that kind of honesty, the artist must always try to see first himself, just as objectively. Therefore, to live and act honorably means first finding out who we are and why. Only then can we proceed with the what, when and how.

“… choice implies responsibility to one’s conscience, and, in the conscience of the artist, the Truth of Art is foremost.” — Mark Rothko, Artist

Who am I?

This is a question that can take up to a lifetime to answer. But at some point in life, we all can sense whether the direction we’re heading is in line with our truth, our destiny. It means digging deep into our past, analyzing attentively the present, and then making the bold intuitive step towards realizing our future as it continues to unfold. Are we put on this earth to be artists or doctors? Are we choosing out of passion and purpose or status and security? (Remember, nobody wants a surgeon who does it strictly for the money either.) To be an artist — to realize that one MUST BE an artist — is a frightening truth to deal with but it can also be one that is incredibly liberating.

“I suppose the only word for me, when the chips are down, is that I am an artist.” — James Baldwin, Writer

James Baldwin. This magnificent thinker and writer was a daring figure of the 20th century who boldly explored the challenges and complexities of our social fabric. Image from the film, I Am Not Your Negro by Magnolia Pictures.

But do I have what it takes?

All of us deal with doubt. And by partaking in the creative fields such as art, music, literature or drama, the risks to our mental and physical survival are significantly magnified. There is REAL justification for the fears our parents/concerned elders had over our choosing to be artists. So it’s only natural that the issue of talent is brought into question, but the truth is, creative ability, especially in the arts, is especially difficult to assess. And then there’s the timing of it. This isn’t competitive sports where the limitations of an aging body weigh heavily against the late bloomer. In art, no such barriers exists. If we discover that art is our calling, then the next step is to find the necessary means to go about our business of being an artist.

“Life is short, and it is sinful to waste one’s time. They say I’m active. But being active is still wasting one’s time, if in doing one loses oneself.” — Albert Camus, Writer

Artist Carmen Herrara seen here working in her studio is now 102 years old. Ignored almost her entire career as a modern expressionist painter (during a time of male bias/dominance of the market), she only had her first show at 89 years of age. Her work is now highly valued and exhibits world wide. (photograph by Jacob Schmidt)

b) Taking Responsibility:

The real question, therefore, isn’t whether we’ve got the abilities, but whether we can develop the mental and emotional fortitude to battle thru the inevitable challenges. Once we choose to be artists, a contract with the universe is formed and we mustn’t violate it no matter how hard it gets. If you choose this career out of love, then be a good and faithful lover.

“To labor in the arts for any reason other than love is prostitution.”  — Steven Pressfield, The War of Art.

Once such a deal is made, one’s way of life becomes defined and limited, narrowed down to a smaller road by which to travel. And this is good. For making decisions — choosing among the bounty of options — is the hardest thing to do in art or life, and this IS the biggest one you can make — to know yourself and live your truth. But once on that path, we must respect the principles of what it takes to be a real artist. To honor the craft and its tools necessitates also the obedience to its laws such as hard work. The road you take becomes your house so to speak, and you need to keep it clean, orderly and functional. And for the artist, that means having a clear and focused mind that’s dedicated to the accumulation of knowledge, skill development and an ongoing commitment to seeing truth in yourself and the world around you. We must learn also to accept this truth; that we are responsible for everything that happens to us.

“I don’t believe in circumstances” — George Bernard Shaw, Playwright.

As hard as this world is, there lies a great truth about taking charge of our own lives. We cannot and must not give up the authority over how we are to conduct ourselves day in and day out. This means NEVER compromising our moral principles or our artistic integrity. And it’s much harder to do than people realize. Our society in its many shapes and forms preaches conformity in the guise of equality and social civility. We easily forget that a truly kind and mature society is one where individuals can be themselves and respect each other and their choices, and we don’t need labels to do that. We all know it’s all too easy to compromise our principles for the short-term — to be liked, to be accepted and to be “successful.” But only when we fulfill that challenging yet worthwhile commitment to truth can we possibly set forth an example for others to do the same.

From the beautiful short film “The Man Who Planted Trees.” Frederic Back is one of my favorite animation artists of all time. He was completely devoted to fulfilling his contract with the universe. With each frame painted by hand, he released his love for the earth and his art onto film.

By being true to ourselves, our work — which reflects that same honesty — solidifies in its earnestness and becomes timeless.

“Creative work bridges time because the energy of art is not time-bound. If it were we should have no interest in the art of the past except as history or documentary. But our interest in art is our interest in ourselves both now and always. Here and forever. There is a sense of the human spirit as always existing. This makes our own death bearable.” — Jeanette Winterson, Writer


The fundamental rule of Honor is this: (a) find out (decide) who you’re supposed to be (find your truth), then (b) go be that person (fulfill that truth).

Up next:

Rules for Creative Living: Rule #2 — LIMITATIONS

10 Rules for Creative Living

At the Water’s Edge by Winslow Homer. This stunning watercolor shows, without drawing attention away from the work itself, the power he must’ve had over his tools AND mind.

“You can’t get along without a knowledge of the principles and rules governing the influence of one color upon another. A mechanic might as well try to get along without tools.” — Winslow Homer, Artist

First off, thank you for continuing to follow this blog despite my rather long and unusual absence. I promise to reward you with more regular and even more meaningful discussions in the future ahead — again, without the invasiveness of any advertising and completely free of charge/obligations of any sort.

In this post, we’ll begin to talk about principles, which will be followed up by a series of posts that will expand upon a set of rules that I, myself, attempt to live by.

There are three constants in life… change, choice and principles.” — Stephen Covey, Author Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Over the years, and especially the last several years since I began this blog, I have been formulating a set of rules that would provide the kind of framework from which to build and live a creative and meaningful life.  They have been formulated (and reformulated) from years of success and failure, experiencing both enlightenment and suffering, and after much analysis and deep reflection. I’m no guru or world famous psychologist/philosopher (although I’ve read many of them) just an artist and teacher. But I do believe what I’m about to share can serve some usefulness for a creative individual, or anyone for that matter, hoping to find greater levels of fulfillment.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” — Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of The United States.

A dignified and heroic portrait of Abraham Lincoln by artist George Healy. Lincoln was one of the greatest leaders in history. He lived by his principles despite constant obstacles and failure, going against the establishment insisting on freedom for all and ultimately abolishing slavery in America.

We all need some guidelines to live by. Whether it be the governing of countries or individual creative living, without a written constitution or a set of moral principles, things slide into chaos and simply do not survive. Systems and individuals need order to function properly. And when it comes to our personal lives, it’s best that these rules be formulated by oneself rather than by others. Study and learn from others (the sources can come from anywhere: a religious leader, a professor, a favorite artist/writer or a combination there of) but make your guide to living uniquely your own. It’s a huge undertaking, but I tell you, it’s worth it. And know that this will take time, especially if you’re still young.

“Sometimes we have to question the obvious to get to the truth.” — Vicki Robin, Writer

One of the most creative minds in animation, the ageless Richard Williams has been a groundbreaking pioneer and continues to be in his complete devotion to the excellence and innovation of his craft.

From a pragmatic standpoint, rules are necessary because we humans too easily stray from doing what’s good for us and for the world at large. Entropy — the scientific phenomenon of things eventually moving from higher order to lower order — proves that we have to engage and work at things just to keep them from weakening or dying (just as muscles and bone density naturally diminish with age). The universe is constantly expanding and energy dissipates. So, too, does our ability to sustain focus and live with discipline — i.e. the direction and will to proceed with one’s original intentions. When we live without order, we risk engaging in thoughts and activities that damage our minds and bodies, and those of others, like when we abandon moral structure and ignore our conscience. In our current self-absorbed, consumption-driven society — where both companies and artists have no shame in appropriating, stealing and even exploiting the works of others (or their persons) AND get handsomely rewarded for it — there can be no greater need nor more timely call for conscientious structure.

“Consciousness illuminates itself by paying attention to it.” — Albert Camus, Writer

In discussing the upcoming rules, we must remember that, as artists, our creativity hinges on our ability to really observe and imagine and, thereafter, act. As has been preached time and time again here, this “magic” is not born out of chaos but structure. It is through regular positive engagement and healthy rituals that free the mind from its grip on fear. Only then can forces greater than ourselves emerge to assist and allow us to create. Having principles forces us to abide by a call for consistency of action and attitude. There is incredible beneficial power in repetition and monotony (as long as it’s the “good stuff” that’s repeated). Often times, when I’ve found myself having a marvelous experience or making something beautiful, I will look at it and say “I don’t even remember how it happened or how I did it.” But I always know that none of it happens without the proper thinking and doing that comes before its fruition. Living by a set of rules enables us to be more in tune with such creative capacity and meaning. Contrary to popular thinking, structure enables creativity, just as freedom only emerges from discipline.

“Art is such an action. It is a kindred form of action to idealism.” — Mark Rothko, Artist

Yellow Over Purple by Mark Rothko. One of the most prominent artists of Abstract Expressionism, Rothko “painted the impossible” — he painted emotion.

One by one, I’ll be revealing my own personal rules (I call them rules rather than laws because laws are universal and these have been humbly selected by me for me). They might serve you also or they might not. Like I said, you will need to find your own. What I have found is that whenever I have strayed from these rules, the outcomes — creative or otherwise — suffer greatly, as do my own levels of happiness and meaning.

Up next:

Rules for Creative Living: Rule #1 — HONOR