Portrait of his wife, Marjorie Organ by Robert Henri. Painter/teacher Robert Henri lived a life completely devoted to his craft and his magnanimous contribution to the world is incalculable. His way of living inspired the very creation of this blog.
“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” — Earl Nightengale
What is success? What is freedom? Why are we here and what brings happiness? These are important questions people refuse to ask or answer. It’s easier just to react and chase. That’s the animal part of us. But animals aren’t capable of reason or consciousness or morals. They can’t think and know that they’re thinking like we can. So why should we behave so beastly in this vibrant yet complex human world?
Joe Hanna and Bill Barbara’s creation Tom and Jerry works on the one fundamental truth that cats can’t help but be obsessed with mice.
To know how to live is a perplexing problem discussed throughout the ages. Kings, philosophers, scientists, poets and yes, artists too, have contemplated such things throughout the ages. Somewhere in this twenty-first century however, it seems as if these things don’t matter anymore. Celebrity news, cryptocurrencies and technological gadgets occupy the minds of creatives as much as the average five hour a day TV viewer. Like scientists who’ve become more lab technologists rather than seekers of truth, artists have become mere designers/entertainers for advertising, media and toy sales rather than visual recorders and commentators of society. In many ways, to witness this brings me much sadness.
Do you spend more time online shopping, watching youtube videos and checking social media than creating? If so, it might be time to question your commitment as an artist.
But the arrival of industrialization and technology need not be a reason to stop asking these most important life questions. Technology can be a great thing when used properly. But it’s so important to be aware of history, ourselves and our actions. In this high-speed digital age, those bigger existential questions have actually become more important, if not critical to our own survival, both individually and as a society.
When people today hear the word Tesla, they think of the car. But Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest and most noble contributors to human civilization. Great scientists like him were not only commited to their craft at the highest level but thought and cared much for his fellow human beings.
Artists have always served a signifcant role in society being a crucial component to culture. Creation isn’t mere individual expression or glory, but societal contribution via visual reflection and presentation of society’s issues. Great poetry, daring science fiction and brilliant art makes us wonder about the future ahead. We can help people understand by helping them see in different perspectives — ways not so easily described by common communication alone. This is the beauty of our craft. Therefore, we must ask what is it that we value? Financial wealth? Rewards and recognition? The dream job? Or mere security? When we use our gifts only for survival, gain or glory, we’ve downgraded not only ourselves but our craft.
“You traded passion for glory…” — Survivor, Lyrics from the motion picture Rocky III
Thinking with “the end in mind,” we might choose to ask should we die for a shiny piece of metal or plastic? Is it worth wrecking our bodies doing a job for a corporation whose only goal is profit? Do we give up all freedom and intergrity just to have a roof over our heads? Sounds preposterous doesn’t it? Yet most of us do such things each and everyday WITHOUT QUESTION. And to witness so many artists — individuals who have traditionally flouted conformity — do exactly that is tragic. What happened? Where along the way did we lose sight of our passions and obligations? Were we not previously warrior-poets? Challengers to the status quo, pushing for the greater good by pushing for greater meaning? We took to civil disobedience when required. Perhaps it’s become far too easy to forget that our gifts serve a purpose. Afterall, things like fear, comfort and convenience can be very persuasive diversions from living truthfully.
Self-Portrait by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. One of my favorite artists, The four and half foot tall Toulouse-Lautrec was born physically disadvantaged, having to live with pycnodysostosis — also known as Toulouse-Lautrec Syndrome. He was ostricized from his family who disapproved of his life as an artist and lived under constant physical pain. Yet he did what he could, developed his craft and kept creating whenever possible. He died at 32 years of age. One’s devotion doesn’t have to be huge or dramatic. It just has to be there, and for the most noble, it’s there every day.
Artists must live and act by virtues, not trends. This means making choices. In contrast to say other professionals, such as the orderly scientist or financier, the artist is a naturally liberal and free-forming individual, so we’re always more susceptible to chaos. Don’t be fooled into thinking that our vices are responsible for our creativity. They are not. Great artists CHOOSE order, structure and discipline to become useful and productive. Creativity may start in the mind, but it can only live in tangible forms. To create and contribute effectively requires first the acknowledgement of taking personal responsibility, then taking action.
It’s been well-documentated that much of Pollack’s best work was done when he was sober and ritually devoted to his painting, and NOT when he was depressed and drunk.
“Discipline starts with waking up early… It is working out, every day, making yourself stronger and faster and more flexible and healthier. It is eating the right foods, to fuel your system correctly. It is disciplining your emotions, so you can make good decisions. It is about having the discipline to control your ego, so it doesn’t get out of hand and control you.” — Jocko Willink, author & retired US Navy SEAL Commander
It is discipline that leads to freedom and happiness, not wealth or power. Besides, what we can renumerate, acquire, hoard, and achieve, we can replace. Stuff is just stuff. Stuff gives limited pleasure. We all know that the truly great things in life are free — nature, air, time, love, friendship, and even our very existence — these things were all given to us without consideration. But there’s one condition: they will all eventually be taken away from us. So we must make the best of it. We must create and give while we can. Life was always a limited time offer.
So we shouldn’t always value ourselves based on an externally approved meritocracy. The dominating idea of a meritocracy can confuse the idea that anything is possible for everyone, which we all know isn’t true. Life is rarely fair. And the odds are NOT in our favour to become the next Pablo Picasso, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Bruce Lee, Albert Einstein or YoYo Ma. Those individuals are generational talents, not just one in a million, but one in many billions. Although this blog has been guilty of using them as examples of what is possible, we must never forget that they serve primarily as a source of knowledge and inspiration, rather than for comparison as to our own self-worth which is better derived from what we do and how we do them.
The young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as portrayed by artist JN Helbling. How can any but the most unique of us believe we can be another Mozart? There is no point making such a comparison. Besides, if people knew the price he paid — a lost childhood due to the strictest training and touring, deformed hands by the age of sixteen, an adult life lived as an immature man-child loathed by his colleagues, someone who loved and respected only his music and his fondness for partying, plus a short life and burial in an unmarked grave. Is this the price of such genius?
Its very easy to forget that external success is an illusion heavily promoted by our current consumer society. If we follow its standards, we will always feel like imposters, no matter how talented we are or how much we do or give. Society is chaotic, so don’t follow its lead. Understand and accept that life is hard and loaded with suffering and that any lack of focus, commitment and discipline magnifies that suffering. Until we accept this reality, we can’t accept responsibility for our actions and we don’t move forward. Procrastination exists only out of a lack of reason for doing and living. Without principles we don’t know how to live nor how to be happy. In fact, we can barely know how to begin.
“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
Because many artists lack order and solid rituals for proper development we must periodically look ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves some serious questions. How badly do we need to create? Will we work and sacrifice for our passions and responsibilities? Do we really understand that we can’t buy or achieve fulfillment and peace? This truth takes a very long time to comprehend fully.
Principles for Posing by Walt stanchfeild. This famous list of what defines a great pose indicates how challenging it is just to make one great drawing. These are high standards. What are yours?
This is why standards are important. And why goals are important, It’s the value of beginning with the end in mind. Values help prioritize goals. Goals serve as targets so that we head in the right direction. We must stay focused in order to do the right thing.
Director Spike Lee and the fabulous Danny Aiello star in Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing, a brilliantly original film on the racial tension that erupts on one hot, sweltering day in NYC.
So, like the farmer, we need to constantly plant seeds for growth. We must continually do good things. And instead of competing with others, we compete only with ourselves from yesterday. Did we get better? Has our work improved? Did we learn from our failures? Are we stronger physically, mentally, or emotionally because of it? These are the kinds of questions worth asking every single day.
If we allow the measurable elements of success to arrive as side effects of our efforts then we can focus soley on developing ourselves. We devote to what we’re becoming rather than what we’re achieving. By doing that, we help others also. And if we tell our minds that we can find happiness in that process, we will find it more often.
“A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.” — Marcus Aurelius, Roman Philosopher and Emperor